Breast Lift and Enhancement

Procedure Breast Lift

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* Additional fees for anesthesia, operating room
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Breast Lift | Breast Lift Information | Breast Lift Surgery


The two procedures Mastopexy (also known as a Breast-lift) and Mammaplasty (also known as a Breast-Reduction) are actually quite similar, because they are both aimed at remodeling and shaping the breast. The reduction is performed by removing a part of the large breast and reshaping it. The breast-lift procedure is performed by removing some skin, and possibly a small part of the breast. This procedure may also include the addition of an implant to enlarge it (see breast augmentation).

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The most suitable candidates for the breast-lift procedure are women who are healthy, emotionally stable and realistic in their views about what the procedure can do for them. The best results are observed in women with small, sagging breasts. Although a breast-lift can be performed on breasts of any size, the effects may not persist as long in larger and heavier breasts.

Mastopexy is often sought by women who have lost volume in their breasts or experience stretching and sagging after pregnancy and nursing. However, it is advisable to postpone the procedure if you are planning on adding to your family and having more children. No real risks have been associated due to this procedure on future pregnancies, and it will not affect the outcome of breastfeeding, but because pregnancy can offset the results of the procedure, it is advisable to wait if you are going to be pregnant or nursing.

How to check for Breast Droop.

Examine your breasts carefully in front of a mirror. You have a mild droop if your nipples have dropped to the level of the crease beneath your breast. A moderate droop is when they have drooped below this line. You have an advanced droop if they are pointing towards your shoes.

Does Breast Augmentation correct Breast Droop?

Breast augmentation will not improve true droop, but will improve pseudo-droop. In Pseudo droop, the nipple is above the breast crease; only breast tissue sags below the crease.

Breast Lift

With the onset of age, a woman's breast loses it's shape and firmness and starts to sag as it loses it's elasticity due to various reasons such as pregnancy, nursing and the force of gravity. The Mastopexy or Breast Lift procedure is performed to lift and shape sagging breasts. Mastopexy can also be performed to reduce the size of the Areola which is the darker skin surrounding the nipple.

Before the Mastopexy Procedure

Your initial consultation should be used to fully understand how the procedure is performed and get any questions answered by your surgeon. You should also discuss with your Doctor at this time the expectations that you have from the procedure and what your desired outcome is. The doctor should advise you as to what would be the most suitable size and shape. Make sure to cover any questions that arise with your doctor, especially those in regards to your expectations or any concerns over the procedure. Before the Mastopexy the physician should provide you with a list of guidelines for preparing for the surgery.

Does Breast Augmentation correct Breast Droop?

  •  The type of anesthesia may be general or sedation, depending on the procedure performed.

  •  The typical procedure will take 1 or 2 hours but may take as long as 3 to 4 hours if an augmentation is also performed.

  •   The procedure is an outpatient procedure and does not require a hospital stay.

  •   The patient may experience mild to moderate discomfort. Plan on taking prescription medication for pain for 2 to 7 days after the procedure.

  •  Any swelling or bruising due to the procedure should subside in 3 to 10 days.

  •  Bandages will be removed anywhere from 3 to 7 days after the procedure.

  •  Stitches will be removed within 5 to 7 days. · You may be asked to wear a sports bra or an Ace wrap for 1 to 4 weeks. Under-wire bras should be avoided until okayed by the surgeon.

  •  You can return to work in 3 to 7 days after the procedure.

  •  Normal exercise may be resumed after two weeks.

  •  Final results will be evident after the scars have matured, which are typically about six months.

In the Silverlake Virgil Surgical Center we accept the following payment:

  • Insurance

A typical initial consultation.

Thousands of women undergo this procedure every year with no major after effects. During this consultation, the changes that you want to make in your appearance will be discussed. Due to the extremely personal nature of this decision, you must ensure that you discuss all of your concerns and desires openly and honestly, including the size that you want your breasts to be.
It is extremely helpful to show the doctor pictures of breast sizes that appeal to you. All your options will be explained to you in detail such as incision types, the location of the implant, the types of implants that are available, and whether or not a breast-lift would be beneficial in your case.